In Loving Memory of Shirley

I am Johnson's cousin Edward, and this is my wife Isabella.

I knew Shirley though Johnson since 1996, and Isabella knew her since 2001.

In the past few years, the four of us got together for dim sum and dinner numerous times. Every time my parents came to visit us we went to their old home in Santa Rosa to stay over for a long weekend. They always give us a warm welcome. She would prepare dinners for us to enjoy. We will definitely miss her gourmet cooking. We remembered one time we went out for barbeque in the evening. Knowing my mom always need to have rice for every meal, even for barbeque, Shirley prepared a rice-cooker full of rice for my mom. This shows how careful and attentive she was. Isabella will definitely miss the fish soup Shirley made. She loved the fish soup, and the first time she had it after she moved to the States was in their home. To me the most impressive dish is the stir-fried crab. Too bad we will never be able to enjoy these dishes from her.

We are deeply saddened by the sudden departure of Shirley at her prime. Every time we see the lovely baby Carina, it reminds us of how much love and care the mom would have had to the pretty daughter. We sincerely hope that Johnson can extend the love and care from Shirley to Carina, and they can stay together strong in the future. We will never forget Shirley, yet we also truly believe that we all are living for the people who live.

Isabella and Edward